Wednesday, October 27, 2010

33-34 weeks.. toothbrushes, highchairs & swings!

you can see my teeth!

big boy in his highchair

wrong end of the toothbrush, Henry!

now you've got it!

first time in a swing at the playground with my friends, Livy & Claire

Thursday, October 21, 2010


The other day I took a few pics of Henry in his Halloween costume because I'm not sure if its going to fit him on Halloween..

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

32-33 weeks..

a birthday hug

Henry with the birthday girl

Henry eating tissue paper

undoing the birthday girl's dress. he honked after he ate the tissue paper (as you can see by his pants).

at McMillan pumpkin patch after a hay ride..

Henry with his friends at McMillan Farm
Last weekend we went to Henry's girlfriend's first birthday party on Saturday & on Sunday we went to McMillan Farm.. I have discovered that Henry has a couple teeth coming in!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

31-32 weeks..

I get a kick out of some of his sleeping positions. Here, cross-legged. Most often though he sleeps kneeling down, with his bum up in the air or on his stomach..


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

7 months!

at a wedding at Bertram Park

it was neat to see Henry in my own childhood highchair/car-- he loved it!
Last weekend Henry attended his second wedding- it was outdoors and luckily it was a beautiful day for October.. In the evening, at the reception, he stole the bride's stepmom's heart (she wanted to take him home) and had a great time. Now weighs 15 lbs 12.5oz.