Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dutchmen Dairy-- then and now..

1 month

7 months

1 month

7 months
Last weekend we went to Dutchmen Dairy in Sicamous to stock up on ice cream.. Look at the difference between 1 and 7 months old!

29-30 weeks..

I've decided I like sleeping on my tummy now..

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

28-29 weeks..

little boy in a big bed..

uncle jan..

smiling for my grandparents

sometimes its all just too much..

Monday, September 20, 2010

6 month photo shoot in Penticton

A few of our favorite photos from our shoot in Penticton on Sept 12th..

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

27-28 weeks..

with the birthday girl- my cousin, Kloe

taking a nap with great grampa Harold

enjoying some time with my great grandparents

having some fun in Penticton

taking in the Lake in Penticton..
Last weekend I went to my cousin's 5th birthday party on Saturday & went to Penticton on Sunday- We won a draw for a session with a photographer there so we had some pictures taken, then got a coffee & took in the sights around town..

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

6 months!

a car ride always puts me to sleep..

looking at my friend, emmett

what's emmett up to?
milestones.. sitting up by myself & doing lots of rolling! I weigh 15lbs 0.5oz

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

25-26 weeks..

some bath shots..

at his friend ethan's birthday